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How to develop the strategic marketing plan for your ecommerce?

It doesn’t matter if your company markets products or services, all kinds of business can count on a payments platform to sell online. If you already have or you need to develop a website with the functionality of online payments, this content will be of your interest. Here we tell you why it is necessary to develop strategies for the creation of your ecommerce and how to do it.

Why is it important to plan the ecommerce for your business?

According to Ebanx, the penetration of electronic commerce in Latin America increased 63% in the last year (2020-2021 after Covid-19). Likewise, users who use the Internet to buy increased.

Statistics show the tendency to digitize consumers and potential customers in the region. Factors such as immediacy, comfort, social distancing and competitive prices associated to buying online, are some of the advantages that your business can supply through a well-developed and managed ecommerce.

For your business, the fact of having a website with integrated ecommerce, is an imminent need to grow it. And in doing so, you must have a strategic plan that helps you optimize it. Remember, in these times, more than ever, the strategies and action plans of your business, should take into account the profile and needs of clients and final consumers.

How to make your ecommerce meet the objective of expansion and positioning of your business?

This is possible with a strategic plan that includes:
  • Design of your website that's unforgettable

    A website that has an impact and focus on your target customer, can make the difference between so many online stores that already exist with similar products or services, and even better.

  • Improves experience with help to your users

    The options to help your online users, such as help center, frequently asked questions and technical support or chat advice, are the most common and useful. All aimed at generating a relationship of trust in the user's decision process. Even, for customer service, chatbots can be a good option to reduce your staff operation and speed up response to the user.

    This is because, although for the developers or the person in charge of the development strategy of your site, everything may be very clear, always arise doubts, questions and suggestions, that, if not solved on time, can represent less sales, or worse still, loss of customers.

  • Ecommerce management

    The technical and operational part of your ecommerce depends on a digital solution that is easy to administrate, integrate and manage on your website. Choose providers with experience, technological robustness and scalable solutions that can be adapted to the current and future needs of your business.

    In addition to the features that the ecommerce must have for developers or those who manage it, it is crucial that the conditions of usability, payment and safety options for your users are met. Between greater payment options include and fewer steps have to perform the user for purchase, the better the experience will be.

  • Marketing strategies focused on your target

    The definition of your target or target audience is another key to the development of your ecommerce. The idea is to make your ideal customers come to your website to buy. For this, it is necessary to laminate a digital marketing strategy that position you on social networks and websites, and attracts your potential buyers and customers to your online store.

Electronic commerce is increasing, therefore, companies that want to sustain and grow should think about marketing strategies that go from the development of the website to the choice of the online payment solution provider.

Take into account these 4 keys so that the ecommerce implementation in your business is a success.

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