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Digital transformation in retail, everything you need to know in 8 steps

The digital age grows stronger every day in our businesses, cities and daily routines. At Evertec, we continue working to be your strategic partner and put technology at the service of your business, that is why we want to share with you some important aspects to take into account in the evolution of your business through digital transformation.

The digital age grows stronger every day in our businesses, cities and daily routines. At Evertec, we continue working to be your strategic partner and put technology at the service of your business, that is why we want to share with you some important aspects to take into account in the evolution of your business through digital transformation.

From maintaining contact with users who are in other latitudes, to making purchases through an app. Daily life is digitally transformed with the passing of every second.

In business, marketing, production, customer service and many more factors are influenced by new digital trends and ways of knowing and predicting what is coming, to become market leaders and improve their products and services.

Here are some aspects of the digital transformation that the retail sector is experiencing and that it is important to explore in order to grow the business:

1. Omnichannel: let’s forget the boundaries between digital and physical. Today, good companies and businesses are everywhere and they direct their message in a personalized way to the audiences of each channel. If you are present on the platforms where your audience interacts, both digital and physical, it is difficult for someone to overlook your brand and what you can offer.

2. Big Data and the power of knowledge: every action we execute on our way through the web leaves traces. These traces become super valuable information that companies are willing to exploit to better know their usual and potential customers, provide a better service and innovate without forgetting the true needs of their audience. Data is a great wealth today in all businesses and regardless of its size and audience, it must be explored and studied. Knowledge is power! For this, you can count on behavioral professionals or go to technological tools to help you in that management.

3. New payment methods: in the search for greater comfort and ease for the customer, new digital payment platforms have emerged, which allow users to carry out their transactions in the most reliable, friendly and fast way. At this point it is important to have a service that accompanies customers throughout their purchase process and is available to solve their concerns and doubts.

4. Personalized email marketing and information: what is the use of knowing the data and tastes of users if we do not give them information that they will really value? That’s where marketing personalization comes into play. Showing your audience that you care about their tastes and needs, not only can guarantee a good sale, it positions you in the customer’s mind as a friend, someone who knows them and takes care of their interests.

5. The power of Social Media: social networks not only serve to communicate your message or product. It is a great focus group that allows you to learn about new trends, behaviors and needs. Use them in favor of your brand and discover what you can offer to your target audience in an original and personalized way. Explore labels and trends to be part of the conversation. This is one of the most efficient and economical ways to remain current and always in public view.

6. Not everything is digital: don’t forget about offline contact with the customer. Although e-commerce has had an undeniable boom in recent years, the customer experience at other levels is still very important (Such as the physical store, delivery service, pop-ups, BTL activities, etc.) Mixing augmented reality elements, virtual reality and excellent customer service in your physical store, is key to emerge and benefit from the digital transformation we are experiencing.

7. Mobile shopping: make sure your brand’s shopping platform adapts to all devices. Every day more people choose to buy through mobile apps and it is important to ensure customer comfort in these modalities.

8. Influencers: whatever the field in which your business operates, you can establish alliances with digital spokespersons. The important thing when contacting them is not to get carried away only by the number of followers they have, but by their credibility and respect. The world of influencers has many variables and ways of establishing exchanges and relationships with personalities. Don’t stop using this tool.

Retail is one of the most changing markets in the business world. Adapting to succeed is vital, and keeping up with digital trends and the changes that come with them is critical.

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