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Evertec is known for its commitment to the wellbeing of the communities it serves.

As part of our social responsibility causes, we support education, communities, and environmental conservation. Through these initiatives, Evertec, along with its employees, are leaving a positive mark in societies and countries we serve. The core of our Social Responsibility Program lies on being a responsible corporate citizen and encouraging employees to take part in initiatives focused on the development of our communities.

our social responsibility program pillars


empowering the communities we serve

Supporting our communities plays an important role throughout the Company and with all our employees. Our contribution range in various ways, from donations to charities, to significant initiatives throughout the Company, such as Volunteer Day which we have been successfully carrying out for five years, empowering our communities and supporting more that 123 non-profit organizations, thanks to the over 3,700 volunteers, including employees, friends and family, who volunteer 19,000 hours of service in the 11 countries where we operate. However, 2020 was hit with the COVID-19 pandemic and this became a great challenge for the entire world, and we were no exception. This provided us with new opportunities, it made us rethink how we would do our community and volunteer work at a distance and guaranteeing safety for everyone.

In response, we launched Unidos a Distancia, a strategy that allowed us to contribute with our intellectual capital and the integration of technology in several of the initiatives, in order to support non-profit institutions. The strategy, that was conducted in 2 weeks, included five topics: community, technology, education, pets and environment; and allowed us to carry out projects remotely. Even with the pandemic, we United at a Distance and demonstrated that once again, at Evertec, we have a great commitment to the communities’ well-being. Together we make the impossible possible!

corporate contributions:

In 2020 our corporate contributions exceeded $730,000 in sponsorships and donations for nonprofit organizations whose mission is to support community development, children, the environment and the arts, among others.


serve as an engine to promote education

For the past 6 years, Evertec has shown its commitment to educating our workforce and the communities we serve. Our Evertec Scholarship Program is available in the 11 countries where our offices are located and provides educational opportunities to university students and post-graduates of the general public, our employees and their children studying careers in Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering (STEM).

Since the start of the program, we have awarded 529 scholarships in 25 universities for a total investment of more than $685,000 in 6 years.

It is our interest to promote the development of women in STEM. For this reason, in 2020, in alliance with women leaders of the technology and science ecosystem, we achieved an increase of 50% of the applications received by women to participate in the Scholarship Program, resulting in greater diversity and inclusion among those awarded by the program. The total of scholarships awarded for 2020 was 161, for a total investment of $185,000. We have also supported the CulturArte / Evertec Scholarship Program (the “Music Program”) that awards scholarships to students of the Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music, the most prestigious higher education music institution in Puerto Rico. The music program has a total capital grant of $70,000 over a 5-year period.


technology as the enabler to protecting the environment

Through our environmental program called Revolución Naranja, we have showcased our strong commitment to protect the environment. This program was created in 2007 and is run by volunteer employees in all our offices, who carry out strategic and educational activities to promote environmental awareness, sustainability, and waste reduction.

In 2020, facing a pandemic, where families were spending more time with their children at home, we decided to expand our program to our employees’ children with the initiative “Yo Protejo al Ambiente”, aimed to promote the importance of protecting our environment. This initiative was a story contest for children between the ages of 5 and 12, where they had to express their ideas on this topic and integrate technology as part of the narrative of protecting the environment. As part of this contest, stories were submited from 7 countries (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic), in which Evertec operates. The topic that generated the most interest among children was environmental pollution. Through a multi-country alliance, the Evaluating Committee was made up of writers, teachers, an artist, and a member of our Legal area. The winning story was “Animals Salvadores”.

día del voluntariado

Esta iniciativa responde en gran manera a nuestro interés de demostrar nuestra reciprocidad con la sociedad. 
A través de este evento Evertec junto a sus colaboradores realizan múltiples iniciativas en respaldo a organizaciones sin fines de lucro que brindan servicios a niños, ancianos, personas sin hogar y con discapacidades. Además, el apoyo incluye iniciativas relacionadas a la protección del ambiente y al cuidado de los animales.

Nuestro alcance en 5 años:

horas de servicio voluntario
+ 0
instituciones sin fines de lucro

Nuestro alcance en la Semana del Voluntariado 2020

¡El COVID-19 no nos detuvo y juntos logramos lo imposible, posible!

instituciones apoyadas 2019

Hogares Teresa Toda

Hogar Forjadores de Esperanza

Fundación Hogar Niñito Jesús

Fundación Ecológica Educativa de Jardín Botánico de PR

Comunidad Asociada de Caparra Heights, Inc. (CACHI)

Hogar de Niñas Sweet Homes

Angels of City for Children

Junta Comunitaria del Casco Urbano de Rio Piedras

Centro de Cuidado y Desarrollo Integral San Justo

Hogar La Piedad

Hogar Fundación Modesto Gotay

Casa Protegida Julia De Burgos

Auditorium de Amor Kennedy-El Comedor de la Kennedy

Hogar Ruth

Olimpiadas Especiales

Cão voluntario

Fundación Planificable

Fundación Damas Café

Fundación Geriátrica Una Sola Ternura

Asociación Proparques

Casa Hogar Madre Ana Vitiello

Fundación Robert Reid Cabral

La Pascua

Orfanato La Asunción

programa de becas

Comprometidos con la educación de nuestros colaboradores, sus hijos y las comunidades a las que servimos, nos place anunciarte la 6ta edición de nuestro Programa de Becas. Este Programa responde a nuestro pilar de responsabilidad social el cual está enfocado en servir como un motor para impulsar la educación.

El Programa de Becas de Evertec inició en el 2015 y desde entonces, ya hemos otorgado en 5 años, sobre 368 becas a estudiantes sobresalientes de Puerto Rico y América Latina para una inversión de sobre $500,000. Los recipientes de nuestra beca son estudiantes que demuestran en su ejecutoria excelencia académica y compromiso por la comunidad. Además, los estudiantes seleccionados, podrían ser elegibles para nuestro Programa de Internado.

El Programa es financiado por Evertec, sus ejecutivos y miembros de la Junta de Directores.

Para solicitar la beca, puedes presionar uno de los siguientes enlaces, según aplique:

resultados del programa de ambiente

Como se muestra en la gráfica anterior, algunas de las prácticas de reciclaje e iniciativas ecológicas implementadas en nuestras instalaciones incluyen lo siguiente:

  • Centro de reciclaje para empleados de: aluminio, plástico, cartón, papel, electrónica, ropa y aceite de cocina.
  • Vehículos de la empresa híbridos.
  • Estacionamiento de empleados reservado para vehículos híbridos.
  • Participación en iniciativas como el Día Mundial del Reciclaje, la Hora del Planeta y la Limpieza Internacional de Costas.

nuestro compromiso ambiental

Evertec se compromete a llevar a cabo nuestras operaciones comerciales de una manera compatible y equilibrada con las comunidades a las que servimos para promover esfuerzos que reduzcan la huella ambiental.

Entre las diversas iniciativas que llevamos a cabo para apoyar nuestro compromiso ambiental se encuentran las siguientes:


  • Iniciativas para reducir desperdicios, prevenir la contaminación y la correcta disposición y reciclaje de los siguientes artículos: cartón, plástico, papel de oficina, periódico, aluminio y ofrecer a nuestros colaboradores la disposición adecuada de los artículos electrónicos.

  • Asegurar la tecnología más actualizada para maximizar el uso de la electricidad en nuestras instalaciones de trabajo y hacer el análisis para constantemente maximizar el uso y tamaño de nuestro centro de datos.


En Evertec estamos comprometidos a garantizar que nuestra tecnología y el desarrollo de nuestros productos apoyen el desarrollo social y económico sostenible en nuestras comunidades para no afectar negativamente a las generaciones futuras.

volunteer day

This initiative largely responds to our interest in demonstrating our reciprocity with society.
Through this event Evertec together with its collaborators carry out multiple initiatives in support of non-profit organizations that provide services to children, the elderly, the homeless and people with disabilities. In addition, this support includes initiatives related to the protection of the environment and the care of animals.

our reach in 5 years:

hours of volunteer service
+ 0
non-profit institutions

our outreach in Volunteer Week 2020

COVID-19 did not stop us and together we made the impossible, possible!

instituciones apoyadas 2019

Hogares Teresa Toda

Hogar Forjadores de Esperanza

Fundación Hogar Niñito Jesús

Fundación Ecológica Educativa de Jardín Botánico de PR

Comunidad Asociada de Caparra Heights, Inc. (CACHI)

Hogar de Niñas Sweet Homes

Angels of City for Children

Junta Comunitaria del Casco Urbano de Rio Piedras

Centro de Cuidado y Desarrollo Integral San Justo

Hogar La Piedad

Hogar Fundación Modesto Gotay

Casa Protegida Julia De Burgos

Auditorium de Amor Kennedy-El Comedor de la Kennedy

Hogar Ruth

Olimpiadas Especiales

Cão voluntario

Fundación Planificable

Fundación Damas Café

Fundación Geriátrica Una Sola Ternura

Asociación Proparques

Casa Hogar Madre Ana Vitiello

Fundación Robert Reid Cabral

La Pascua

Orfanato La Asunción

environment program results

As shown in the graphic above, some of the recycling practices and green initiatives implemented at our facilities include the following:

  • Recycling center for employees, for: aluminum, plastic, cardboard, paper, electronics, clothing and cooking oil.
  • Hybrid company vehicles.
  • Employee parking reserved for hybrid vehicles.
  • Participation in initiatives such as World Recycling Day, Earth Hour and the International Cleanup of Coasts.

our environmental commitment

Evertec is committed to conducting our business operations in a manner compatible and balanced with the communities we serve to promote efforts that reduce our environmental footprint.

Among the various initiatives we carry out to support our environmental commitment are the following:

  • Initiatives to reduce waste, prevent contamination and the correct disposal and recycling of the following items: cardboard, plastic, office paper, newspaper, aluminum and offer our employees the proper disposal of electronic items.
  • Ensuring the most up-to-date technology to maximize the use of electricity in our work facilities and doing the analysis to constantly maximize the use and size of our data center.

At Evertec we are committed to ensuring that our technology and the development of our products support sustainable social and economic development in our communities so as not to negatively affect future generations.